About US

Design Your Space is based in Sydney, NSW. It was founded by Hilit Einav in 2008. Hilit migrated from Israel with her family in 2002 and has lived in Perth and Sydney, and has spent a few months in France and the UK. Hilit has a multi-disciplinary holistic approach and a strong connection to the land we love to live on.

With over 20 years of diverse local and international experience, Design Your Space produces buildings and interiors of smart space solutions and elegant simplicity. We are committed to understanding our clients and their requirements. We also feel a strong commitment to have a positive impact on the future of residential construction in Australia. As it stands, our impact on the Earth is vast and the climate is changing. We can no longer ignore this reality; some things must change. We must rethink the way we construct, to step away from, or at least minimise, the use of fossil fuels and to reduce the heating and cooling demand of our buildings.

We believe that in order to control global warming as a community, and as building professionals in particular, we must act. We must assist our clients to build resilient homes that withstand climate extremes and promote the switch to clean energy sources.

In essence, buildings, which are made by humans for humans, evolved to protect us from the elements (and predators). Igloos, mud houses or huts are only a few examples of buildings that evolved to suit specific climatic conditions. These vernacular buildings were connected to their context and built from local materials, resulting in a low carbon footprint.

With industrialisation, our civilisation developed reliance on technology and machinery, and the building industry was driven away from understanding the land and the connection to its context and ecosystem. Unfortunately, exhausting resources, deforestation, cut and fill excavations, heating and cooling buildings, became the norm.

Design Your Space acknowledges and welcomes a new phase in building evolution. We offer full design and planning services which follow design standards and principals to withstand the range of temperatures, rainfall, and winds as they are expected to change. Quality construction, airtightness, weathertightness and insulation are first and foremost, as they lead to healthy living and lower heating and cooling demands.